Troubleshooting: My Bank Isn't Connected
If you're experiencing issues with your bank not being connected to SortMe, don't worry – we're here to help! Follow the steps below to ensure a seamless connection and retrieve your financial data securely.
Step 1: Access your SortMe account and confirm the linked banks
Go to your SortMe account and confirm the linked banks:
- Navigate to the Settings section.
- Verify that the bank accounts are listed, and each has a ‘Connected’ status indicating a successful connection.
- For New Zealand Bank Accounts, jump to this section. For US Bank Accounts, jump to this section.
For New Zealand Bank Accounts:
Step 2: Verify Akahu Connection
To verify your connection, go to your Akahu account:
- Click on the Akahu settings link.
- Once logged in to Akahu, check for the list of connected accounts. Each connected account should have a blue dot, indicating it is successfully linked to your SortMe account.
Step 3: Confirm Account Listing
Review the listed accounts on Akahu and ensure they match the banks you intend to connect. If your desired bank accounts are not listed:
- Use the 'Connect New Accounts' option at the top of the page.
- Follow the prompts to select and connect the additional accounts.
For US Bank Accounts:
Step 2: Verify Plaid Connection
Note: Plaid is currently only available to USA SortMe users
To verify your connection, go to your Plaid account:
- Click on the Plaid settings link.
- Once logged in to Plaid, you should see a list of currently connected accounts.
Step 3: Confirm Account Listing
Review the listed accounts and ensure they match the banks you intend to connect. If your desired bank accounts are not listed:
- Go to the 'Connect account information' page, select the accounts you want to connect with Plaid.
- Follow the prompts to select and connect the additional accounts.
Step 4: Troubleshooting Assistance
If the issue persists, and your connected accounts are not displaying as expected, please reach out to our support team. We're here to assist you and ensure a smooth banking integration experience.
Thank you! 🙂