How to Calculate Your Net Worth with SortMe

Understanding your net worth is a fundamental aspect of managing your finances effectively. With SortMe, you can easily calculate your net worth by adding your assets and liabilities to your account. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to add assets and liabilities manually and calculate your net worth using SortMe's interface.

Step 1: Access Your SortMe Account

  1. Log in to your SortMe account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "Net Worth" tab from the main dashboard.

Step 2: Add Assets and Liabilities

  1. Head to the "Assets & Liabilities" section within the "Net Worth" tab.

  1. Select the "Add Asset or Liability" button to start adding your assets and liabilities manually.

Note: Only bank accounts can be automatically integrated into SortMe. EFTs, cryptos, properties, equities, debt, etc., are manually updatable.

  1. Enter the details including the type of asset or liability, name and value. Click save.

Step 3: Review and Update

  1. Once you've added all your assets and liabilities, take a moment to review the information for accuracy.
  2. You can easily update the details of your assets and liabilities at any time by selecting the respective entry and choosing the “$” icon to edit the current value or the "pencil" icon to edit the type or name of your asset or liability.

Step 4: Calculate Your Net Worth

  1. SortMe automatically calculates your net worth based on the total value of your assets minus your liabilities.
  2. Navigate to the "Overview" section to view your current net worth displayed prominently on the dashboard.
  3. You can also track changes in your net worth over time using SortMe's ‘Net Worth Over Time’ feature. 

Calculating your net worth is a key step in understanding your financial health and planning for the future. With SortMe, you can easily track your assets and liabilities, update them as needed, and calculate your net worth in real-time. By regularly monitoring your net worth, you can make informed decisions to improve your financial well-being and achieve your long-term goals.

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