Categorizing Uncategorized Transactions

Categorizing uncategorized transactions is essential for maintaining accurate financial records, gaining insights into your spending habits, and creating budgets.  This guide will walk you through the steps to categorize uncategorized transactions in SortMe.

Step 1: Access Spend Overview

Navigate to the "Spend Overview" menu.

Step 2: Locate Uncategorized Transactions

In the Spend Overview, locate the section displaying the "Uncategorized" transactions.

Step 3: Assign Categories

Review the list of uncategorized transactions and manually assign a category to each transaction using the dropdown menu provided.

Step 4: Save Categorizations

After assigning categories to uncategorized transactions, ensure to save the changes. 

  • Choose one of the following options:
    • Just this transaction
      • Applies the category change to only the current transaction.
    • This transaction and all existing transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction and all previous transactions.
    • This transaction and all future transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction and any future transactions.
    • This transaction, existing transactions and all future transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction, all previous transactions, and any future transactions.

Note: If the Transaction has no merchant (e.g. a manual bank transfer a user made to their friend's bank account) and you choose "This transaction, existing transactions and all future transactions", this will apply to all transactions you have with the same bank statement.

That’s it! You’re done! 😃

To edit your Transaction Categories, you may visit the article here.

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