How To Edit Transaction Category In SortMe

To keep your financial data organised and categorised correctly, you might need to edit your transaction categories in SortMe.

Follow these steps to change transaction categories easily:

Step 1: Log into Your SortMe Account.

  • Login using your SortMe username and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the Transactions Page.

  • Once logged in, go to the "Transactions" page.

  • Here, you will see a list of your transactions.

Step 3: Select the Transaction you want to edit.

  • Tap or click on the transaction you want to edit.

  • Type the most common keyword for the category you want to change it to (e.g., "food").

Step 4: Change Category

  1. Tap on the dropdown and choose your preferred category from the list provided and then save.

  1. Select Category. A prompt will appear asking where you want to apply the category change.
  • If the Transaction has a merchant (e.g. PAK'n SAVE Fuel)

  • Choose one of the following options:
    • Just this transaction
      • Applies the category change to only the current transaction.
    • This transaction and all existing transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction and all previous transactions.
    • This transaction and all future transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction and any future transactions.
    • This transaction, existing transactions and all future transactions.
      • Applies the category change to the current transaction, all previous transactions, and any future transactions.

Note: If the Transaction has no merchant (e.g. a manual bank transfer a user made to their friend's bank account).

  • If a transaction does not have a merchant, this category will be applied to "any past" or "future" transactions with the same bank statement description.
  • For example, if I categorize a transaction with the description "TO 12-1234-1234567-00 " as "Payment" all past and future transactions with the description "TO 12-1234-1234567-00" will also be categorized as "Payment", even if the past transactions were not previously categorized as "Payment".

To categorize the uncategorized transactions, you can visit this article here.

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